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CTSC涵蓋了應用于管理端到端供應鏈轉型的框架、策略、流程、工具和技術,并利用了全球公認的行業標準的組成部分,包括ASCM SCOR數字標準(DS)、可持續性企業標準和數字能力模型(DCM),以實現以下目標:

■ 提高企業的盈利能力和市場競爭力

■ 幫助企業促進社會和環境的可持續發展

■ 助力您的公司獲得競爭優勢,改善財務績效,并提供更好的客戶服務

■ 增加不同部門、供應商和合作伙伴之間的協作,從而實現更好的溝通和業務目標的協調



■ 完整、高效地領導重大轉型項目

■ 獲得供應鏈轉型認證的官方證書

■ 通過新的CTSC認證成為一個新時代的轉型領導者

■ 為新的職業機會鋪平道路


線下班:2024年414-17日 上海



■ 供應鏈的中高層管理人員

■ 企業內從事供應鏈轉型和持續改進的人員

■ 希望隨著供應鏈轉型繼續增加職業價值的人士

■ 希望將職業重點轉移到供應鏈管理而進一步了解未來的職業道路的人士


■ 競爭需求、業務、供應鏈戰略與運營模式

■ 指標、控制塔、商業智能和高級分析

■ 供應鏈網絡設計(重新設計)

■ 有效的流程設計、管理和持續改進

■ 供應鏈技術、數字化能力和業務需求

■ 供應鏈轉型項目的關鍵成功因素

■ 循環性、可持續性、彈性(CSR)和環境社會治理(ESG)轉型項目的關鍵成功因素


Main Content Area

Module 1: Supply Chain Transformation Overview

Module 2: Preparing for Supply Chain Transformation

Module 3:  Executing Supply Chain Transformation

Module 4: Review of Supply Chain Transformation



不同于其他認證,CTSC的知識體系利用了ASCM的全球公認標準,如SCOR DS、企業可持續發展標準和數字能力模型(DCM)精益和六西格瑪,這些框架來:


■ 運用系統思維來開發、分析、驗證和確認轉型的概念方案。

■ 管理成功的供應鏈轉型所需的技能、角色、責任和基礎設施

■ 掌握能夠實現有效供應鏈轉型的工具和技術

■ 學習和實施加強和復制改進的策略


■ 對于那些處于IT、工程等賦能職位的或有抱負的領導者來說,CTSC是理想的選擇。

■ 獲得CTSC證書使候選人能夠在系統性思維、供應鏈架構、領導力、風險和應急能力管理、變革管理和數字化轉型等方面擁有專業的高水平技能。

■ 作為系統思考者、數字技術精通者,及善于使用新一代工具和數據源的供應鏈專業人士而言,為獲取成功,他們需要成為變革型領導者。


由具有精湛講課技巧, 豐富實踐經驗,全球認證的資深專家授課(ASCM授權 Master講師)


■ 從經驗豐富的講師那里學習,獲得專業知識、深入見解和一對一指導

■ 采用世界最具權威性和公信力的概念和術語,與全球產業管理的共同語言接軌

■ 小班授課, 與不同背景的專業人士建立網絡,更多討論、案例研究和分享經驗并討論話題

■ 課程內容知識完整連貫,通過結構化的學習體驗,保持在獲得認證的道路上的進展



■ 在線輔助學習系統 CTSC learning system

■ 4個模塊內容電子書和電子講義;

■ 可以方便使用移動設備學習 ;

■ 每個模塊有相應的學習活動 ;

■ 可提供詳盡的個人進度報告 。



■ 考試時長3.5小時,總計150道單選題,350分為滿分,300分為通過。





■ ASCM會員費:1,600/

■ CTSC Bundle(Learning System+1次考試):會員價15,700/


■ 培訓費:8,800/

■ 費用總計:26,100/


■ ASCM會員費:1,600/

■ CTSC Bundle(Learning System+1次考試):會員價15,700/


■ 培訓費:4,680/

■ 費用總計:21,980/

Content Outline

The content outline provides an overview of the major content areas assessed on the CTSC exam. Each of the four main content areas is denoted by a Roman numeral.

Module 1: Supply Chain Transformation Overview

Section A: Supply Chain Transformation Introduction

Topic 1:Define and Classify the Types of Supply Chains

Topic 2:Learn the Supply Chain Maturity Stages

Topic 3:Explore Business Cases for Transformation

Section B: Supply Chain Transformation Strategy Overview

Topic 1:Understand Organizational Supply Chain Strategies

a. Market types

b. Strategy types

c. Supply chain strategic components (examples include goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), action plans, and strategy maps)

Topic 2:Comprehend Organizational Value Proposition

a. Suppliers

b. Service providers

c. Product and service operations

d. Intermediaries

e. Customers

f. Supply chain network

Topic 3:Research Models, Frameworks, and Benchmarking Tools

a. Balanced scorecard

b. ASCM SCOR Digital Standard (SCOR DS) and SCORmark

c. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI )

d. ASCM Enterprise Standards for Sustainability

e. ISO standards

f. ASCM Digital Capabilities Model (DCM) for Supply Networks

g. Capabilities Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

h. American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) supply chain planning benchmark

Topic 4:Explore Cost and Service Optimization Roadmaps

a.     Lean

b.    Six sigma

c.     Theory of constraints (TOC)

d.    Total quality management (TQM)

e.     Agile operations

f.      Project management

Topic 5:Understand Organizational Design

a.     Organizational types and size

b.    Organization structure and hierarchy

c.     Talent assessment and alignment

d.    Collaboration mechanisms

e.     Performance management models

Topic 6:Understand Risk Management Methodology

a.     Risk context

b.    Risk management framework

c.     Risk identification, analysis, and evaluation

d.    Risk treatment options

Topic 7:Understand Supply Chain Security Landscape

a.     Information security

b.    Cybersecurity

c.     Physical security

d.    Counterfeits

Section CThe Drivers of Supply Chain Transformation

Topic 1:Recognize the Internal and External Organizational Context

a.     Tools and models for understanding context

b.    Market and customer segmentation

c.     Culture and capabilities

d.    Technologies

Topic 2:Discuss Benchmarking and Relative Performances

a.     Customer satisfaction and retention

b.    Efficiency and effectiveness

c.     Supply chain costs

d.    Growth

Topic 3:Outline Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Requirements

Section DSupply Chain Transformation Leadership and Culture

Topic 1:Identify Supply Chain Transformation Leadership Skills

Topic 2:Understand Organizational Culture to Enable Transformation Efforts

Module 2: Preparing for Supply Chain Transformation

Section A Select Supply Chain Transformation Drivers

Topic 1:Macroeconomics

Topic 2:Legal and Regulatory Landscape

Topic 3:Geopolitical

Topic 4:Industry and Market Characteristics

Topic 5:Voice of the Customer (VOC) and Voice of the Process (VOP)

Topic 6:Strategic Imperatives

Topic 7:Sustainability

Topic 8:Digitization

Topic 9:Process and Performance Metrics Benchmark

Section BAssess Supply Chain Current State

Topic 1:Perform Gap Assessments

Topic 2:Conduct Maturity Assessments

Topic 3:Identify Common Misalignments

Section CConceptualize the Future State Supply Chain Operation Model

Topic 1:Perform Process and Geographic Mapping

Topic 2:Develop Modeling and Simulations

Topic 3:Analyze Alternatives

Topic 4:Refine the Target Value and Benefits

Section DIdentify Initiatives to Address Gaps

Topic 1:Identify Transformation Initiatives

Topic 2:Scope Using Data and Strategic Assessment

Topic 3:Prioritize Initiatives

Topic 4:Define To-Be State Metrics to Analyze As-Is Performance in Detail

Section EInitiate Transformation Workstreams and Projects

Topic 1:Create Project Charters

Topic 2:Set Transformation Program Kickoff and Milestones

Topic 3:Develop Resource Management Plan(s)

Topic 4:Document Communication Plan(s)

Topic 5:Document Change Management Plan(s)

Topic 6:Create Stakeholder Management Plan(s)

Section FDevelop and Iterate Transformation Preliminary Business Case(s)

Topic 1:Set Targeted Value Drivers

Topic 2:Quantify Financial Value of Supply Chain Improvements

Topic 3:Determine Resources Needed

Topic 4:Estimate Cost and Schedule

Topic 5:Select KPIs

Topic 6:Craft Messaging Content

Section GSelect Supply Chain Transformation Framework(s)

Section HDevelop Supply Chain Transformation Roadmap(s)

Topic 1:Assemble Project Portfolio

Topic 2:Validate Costs, Schedules, Resources, and KPIs

Section IDevelop Supply Chain Transformation Detailed Business Case(s)

Topic 1:Specify Supply Chain Value Drivers

Topic 2:Assess Financial Value of Supply Chain Improvements

Topic 3:Conduct Analysis of Alternatives

Section JDraft Execution Plan(s)

Section KEstablish and Align Portfolio Governance

Topic 1:Define Portfolio

Topic 2:Prioritize the Projects

Topic 3:Determine Target Value and Benefits

Topic 4:Establish Oversight Mechanisms and Frequencies

Module 3: Executing Supply Chain Transformation

Section AAdopt a Change Management Plan

Topic 1:Tailor Change Management Process

Topic 2:Assign Roles and Responsibilities

a. Change control board (CCB)

b. Change sponsor

c. Change agents and champions

Topic 3:Confirm Process and Channels of Communication

a. Internal communication

b. External communication

Topic 4:Provide Training

a. Development of tailored job descriptions

b. Training needs assessment

c. Implementation of training program

d. Pre- and post-training program evaluation

Topic 5:Identify and Implement Incentives

a. Intrinsic motivators

b. Extrinsic motivators

Section BDesign and Implement Supply Chain Transformation Workstreams and Projects

Topic 1:Collaborate with Internal and External Stakeholders

Topic 2:Design and Test Solutions

a. Supply chain architecture

b. Mock-up and prototyping process and flow

c. Network modeling and simulations

d. Pilot project execution

Topic 3:Implement Project KPIs

Topic 4:Implement Individual Projects

Topic 5:Scale-Up to Enterprise-Wide Solutions

Section CImplement Governance and Risk Management Framework

Topic 1:Set Portfolio and Project Management Governance

Topic 2:Implement Portfolio and Project Risk Management

Topic 3:Institute Supply Chain Information Security

Topic 4:Establish Resilient Supply Chain Benchmarks

Topic 5:Obtain ASCM Enterprise Certification for Sustainability

Module 4: Review of Supply Chain Transformation

Section AAssess the Transformation

Topic 1:Review and Provide Feedback on Project Portfolio Performance

a.     Critical success factors and KPIs

b. Tracking mechanisms

Topic 2:Assess Supply Chain Transformation Maturity

a. Maturity rating

b. Assessment and audit results

Section BCommunicate Results with Internal and External Stakeholders

Section CReflect on the Transformation

Topic 1:Gather Feedback

Topic 2:Document Lessons Learned

Topic 3:Implement Continual Improvement

Topic 4:Identify Future Initiatives

課程名稱: 《CTSC供應鏈轉型認證》-認證課程
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